
Full Version: Docs in the Cloud
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I am hosting my IWP solution on a mac inside a corporate internet including storing all .pdf copies of the documents. As the number of documents is increasing I am concerned over disk space.

Therefore, is there any technical reason why I could not store the .pdfs on a server space located say in Hong Kong and point FM to that IP address when users want to view a copy of the letter. This would segregate the hosting from the document repository.
Hi Styx, There is no logistical reason why you could not do that. But technically you will be limited in terms of what you do in terms of file manipulation (via plugins) and security could be a clumsy. Personally I have moved away from separate file repositories and have concluded that the FMP container fields are awesome. If you supplement this with the supercontainer plugin it becomes quite powerful and convenient. Most importantly it gets around all the of the permissions and security issues associated with a separate file server.
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